Our Engine
Our Engineering Facilities are
located at Vatuwaqa
Communications Centre (VCC)
Cable Terminal
The Southern Cross Cable which uses 3rd generation optical fibre amplified system, has 3 fibre pairs and a current total capacity of 240 Gbits. It employs Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) and Dense Wave Length Division Multiplexing (DWDM) on triple ring architecture, to achieve a self-healing network, so in the unlikely event of a physical cable break, the network will seamlessly restore communication within 50 milliseconds.
With the availability of bandwidth, Fiji is now in a strong position to make use of new global technologies on the information superhighway. Applications such as voice and data integration, e-commerce, information distribution, music distribution, video-on-demand and videoconferencing are now significant.
The cable capacity can be upgraded to 480 Gbits.

Satellite Earth Stations
To complement our cable routes, FINTEL employs a Standard A Earth Station at its Vatuwaqa Communications Centre (VCC) with the antenna pointing to the NSS-9 Satellite orbiting above the Pacific Ocean Region at 183 degrees East.
Services offered are VSAT solutions (Internet and voice) to the Pacific Islands and the domestic market
FINTEL uses the ViaSat Linkstar DVB-S system, an IP Based technology offering high quality and economic advantages.

FINTEL is using Fiji’s first International Next Generation Network (NGN) Gateway Switch. This single and flexible next-generation voice network (softswitch), not only brings about cost effectiveness and efficiency, but enables the creation of new value-added services to FINTEL customers. This technology interconnects FINTEL with domestic and international bilateral partners and provides choice of traditional TDM (Time Division Multiplex) and IP (Internet Protocol) telecommunications services.
With the NGN, the Voice over Broadband (VoBB) market is now a reality for Fiji’s consumers. VoBB is the delivery of voice services over high speed broadband data lines.